Thursday, October 18, 2007

A possible shift in nomenclature of Kerala Congress

Kerala Congress splits like ameba does. They split as they grow and grow as they split (K.M. Mani, somewhere in the eighties). Now with the nomination of Mons Joseph into the Kerala ministry by Kerala Congress (J), allegedly through draw of lots, the stage has set for another future split in Kerala Congress. When, rather than if, that happens what would be the name of the new Kerala Congress led by Mons Joseph? It cannot be Kerala Congress (M) (for Mons) or Kerala Congress (J) (for Joseph), because both forms already exist (K.M. Mani and P.J. Joseph versions). So… It could well be Kerala Congress (L) (L for lottery).

1 comment:

vishnu said...

hey kerala congress nominations has become a trend in college union elections .recently in our college we had a similar occasion where toss wa s the only atleast tey r comin with such innovative ideas.we can now change democracy to"cracylottery".